
Join Facebook Group As Page

Facebook Groups are an excellent way to communicate as an individual as well as a business. Whether you're part of a local Community Group or you've set up your own Facebook Group to keep in touch with your customers, these Facebook Groups play a vital role in organic engagement and communication with a pool of people outside of your existing Facebook Page following.

How do I join a Facebook Group as my Page?

In early 2019 Facebook released a new update that allows Facebook Pages to join Facebook Groups so that people could post and engage as their business. Game changer! However, Facebook haven't made it very easy to actually join as a Page and it's a little bit hidden (especially since Facebook's recent FB5 update!). Our SoPro Esther has been managing a couple of retail clients who could benefit from posting within a local community group and she's recently joined relevant Facebook Groups on behalf of their Facebook Pages. Here's how she did it:

Step 1: Sign into your Facebook Profile on a browser (we've used Google Chrome) and navigate to the Facebook Group you're wanting to join

Facebook Groups - How to join as a Facebook Page

Step 2: Click the "Join Group" button and select the Page which you'd like to join as

Facebook Groups - How to join as a Facebook Page

Step 3: Follow the joining instructions (some Groups require you to fill out a form so that they can asses whether you're business is appropriate for the Group or not)

Facebook Groups - How to join as a Facebook Page

Step 4: If there is an approval process, you will need to wait for the Admins to respond (accept or decline your request)

Step 5: If you are approved, you can click the "Interacting as…" button to switch between your profile or Page. If you wish to join as multiple Pages, you need to "leave" the group and try re-join, this time selecting the other Page you want to join as. If approved you will be able to toggle between Pages using the "Interacting as…" button (if you're using the new version of Facebook, this is now just the Page logo near the top of the Group Banner).

Facebook Groups - How to interact as your Facebook Page

Switching from FB5 back to the old version of Facebook

How to switch back to the old version of Facebook:

Step 1: Sign into your Facebook profile via a browser (we use Google Chrome) and click the little drop-down arrow in the top right hand corner of the screen – in the top banner.

Facebook FB5 - How to switch back to the old version

Step 2: Click "switch back to the old version for 48 hours" from the drop-down menu

Step 3: Fill out the pop-up form (we selected "Groups" and wrote "the new version of Facebook does not allow Facebook Pages to join Facebook Groups") – the more people that report this the more likely it is that Facebook will make sure they sort this when they eventually switch to FB5 completely.

Step 4: Navigate to your chosen Facebook Group and follow the steps 1-5 in the above section of this blog.

Facebook Groups Etiquette

There are three types of Facebook Group: Public, Closed and Private. It is up to the Administrators/Owners of the Group to decide how a Facebook Group is used and moderated therefore it is worth noting that every Facebook Group will have different functions and guidelines.

For example, a local community group may limit the amount of "Promotional Posts" can be published by Business Pages to reduce the amount of SPAM and encourage more community conversation. Another guideline for community groups is the tolerance on bullying or negativity. Both of which have consequences of being banned from the Facebook Group if not respected.

It's also worth noting that Facebook Group Administrators can choose whether Facebook Pages can join or not. So, if you have followed the above steps and there still doesn't seem to be an option to join as your Facebook Page, it's likely that the Group settings aren't allowing Facebook Pages to join.

So watch out and do be respectful towards the Facebook Group Guidelines. If you're ever unsure, just ask the Administrator or simply write within your post "I'm not sure if this is allowed so delete/decline if not". Most Facebook Groups have their guidelines listed in their introduction section or uploaded as a document.

Third-party Recommendations

We find that Facebook Groups are a great source of third-party recommendations. Lots of people use Facebook Groups to ask for recommendations of businesses for personal jobs. It's the typical "do you know anyone who can…" Why does this matter? Because a recommendation from someone who's already used a service gives more confidence than using a random company who say they are great at what they do. Just think about TripAdvisor, TrustPilot, VouchedFor, even on Amazon and eBay – do you look at reviews before you click "buy now"?

It can also be highly encouraging when other people recommend your business before you even get chance to respond yourself. You just need to make sure you're in the right Groups to capture those referrals! It's highly likely that people are already talking about you online. Are you capturing those conversations?

How do I find a good Facebook Group for me?

If you've not yet joined a local community group on Facebook, what are you waiting for?! Search on Facebook for your location (e.g. Huddersfield, Honley, Holmfirth, Kirklees or Calderdale etc), select  the category "Groups" and take a look at what pops up. Facebook will list the Facebook Groups that it thinks would be most relevant to you based on your search.

Be aware that local community groups in particular can be VERY active. Therefore try not to join too many otherwise you'll be inundated with notifications. You can reduce the amount of Facebook notifications you receive within the Group Settings ("Manage Notifications") so you don't overwhelm yourself with information!

If you're looking to take your social media marketing to the next level without spending on advertising, join some relevant Facebook Groups as your business and begin to engage on there. It'll increase your exposure and help educate people about you and your business too. Just remember to adhere to the Facebook Group Guidelines and tell your story – it's not all about the hard sell!

Join Facebook Group As Page


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