
You Should Be Here Blue Banner

What the Hell is the You Should Be Here Blue Banner What the hell is the 'You Should Be Here' sign?

If you are here, you have probably seen this sign and was curious what it is all about, how to get one of these because they look cool or perhaps why those people were taking pictures and shooting videos with that sign… Right?!

Well, this is NOT a Review, it is a sneak peak to showcase some of the reasons why over a MILLION people are holding this Blue Sign around the world!… Still Curious?!?… Keep Reading!

'You Should Be Here' is the sign of a movement that is growing rapidly in every street, every neighborhood, every town and every city around YOU and certainly around the globe.

This is the story of why…

You might have seen it lately either on your streets, in malls, on social media and even more on TV.

These little blue 'You Should Be Here' signs are literally EVERYWHERE!.

But, You still might be asking yourself… W hat the hell is the 'You Should Be Here' sign?

Well… it is your lucky day as I will explain to you who are these people flashing these blue banners happily around the world.

How did it all Start…

It is funny how this You Should Be Here Movement got started!

The idea came from some fun, enthusiastic people who love to Travel and while on a holiday someone wrote in the sand 'You Should Be Here' took a picture and sent it out to their friends that they really wanted them to experience more.

Then the idea evolved and turned into a blue banner, that now many are carrying around with them everywhere… anywhere.

It is the No.1 VIP Travel Club in the World  co-founders that loved this idea of putting that slogan into their marketing strategy to expose this tremendous concept, that is being exposed all around the world, a country at a time.

The members grabbed the idea as thousands of thousands of them have used these 'You Should Be Here' signs everywhere in every way… I think (I might be wrong here) :).

The great side of it is that this has created a social buzz in the 5 continents that the company operates in and let me tell you, this is just the beginning!

Do You Know Any Of These International Celebrities That Joined The You Should Be Here Movement?…

Celebrities Who Have Joined WorldVentures Where You Might Have Seen the 'You Should Be Here' Sign?

To name a few places you might have seen these 'You Should Be Here' signs are of course Facebook, London Olympics, Sports Events like NBA, Nascar Racing & Football, TV News, Airports, On planes, on cruises and the list goes on and on… it is endless.

The Fun side of it is that the people who carry these banners are looking for more Fun in their lives so if you happen to see them, get hold of them and why not, go take a picture with them… they won't say NO to you for sure :).

So you can go to Singapore up to Texas and then to Greece and finally to Zimbabwe and you will see some of these 'You Should Be Here' banners which people can see on the streets or have seen on social media networks like facebook, twitter, youtube, pinterest and instagram.

Just ask them how to have one!

The social buzz that this has created has made people aware or at least have a CLUE about what's the fun culture that has been created is all about.

So people constantly are asking around how to get in touch with the 'Life-Enthusiast Guys', so they can also add more fun and pack more memories to their lives by having fun with other people who know how to have a real blast wherever they go.

So people constantly are asking around how to get in touch with the 'Life-Enthusiast Guys', so they can also add more fun and pack more memories to their lives by having fun with other people who know how to have a real blast wherever they go.

Bottom line is that if you are reading this and you'll see these 'You Should Be Here' blue banners now you know that it is a huge CLUE for you as you know why.

What I suggest you do is to go and mingle with them and befriend them (if you see it on social media, just ask them).

It feels great to be with positive people that are in a movement that is making a difference and adding more value to people's lives around the world a person at a time.

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International Celebrities Photographed with the Little blue 'You Should Be Here' Sign! International Celebrities with the You Should Be Here Blue Sign!

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You Should Be Here Blue Banner


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