Do you find yourself alone?

Did a relationship that meant a lot to you end?

Do you miss the way they look at you?  Or how comforting it was when they touched you? Are you thinking about them all the time - even when you want to forget them?

Break Up Hypnotherapy That May Help

An ending can come from a break-up, divorce or the death of a loved one.  Either way, it is traumatic.  The pain of loss can be so challenging to your mind, body and soul.  Even if the relationship had not been in a good place for a long time, the separation seems impossible. Making it feel impossible to move on.

There is a way that may help you move on without excess pain and suffering.

Hypnosis To Stop Loving Someone

Depending on the reason for the loss, there may be a lot of trauma or betrayal behind it.  But even betrayal can't make you stop loving someone.

Sometimes the reason or way a relationship ended feels like it has forever changed you

In many cases, there will not be any reconciliation and you have to move on.  You don't want to carry emotional baggage from the trauma of that relationship.  Or have it affect other relationships or keep you from finding love and happiness again, do you?

Does Hypnosis Work for Heartbreak?

Yes, it has for many people.  Your brain is used to certain chemicals when you are in love.  When a breakup happens, these love chemicals are replaced with breakup chemicals.  Yes, there really are breakup chemicals.

The breakup chemicals make you feel like you are completely emotionally helpless and you cannot even control your thoughts or actions.

There are real biological reasons why you obsess about someone, even if he or she treated you badly.  These chemicals also help to create the heartbreak that is actual physical pain.  A heartbreak is not a loose term to describe emotions.  It accurately describes a physical pain in the heart because of loss.

Hypnosis to Stop Thinking About Someone

Testing done with MRI brain scanners showed that a break-up or rejection causes activity in areas of the brain that have the same activity as cocaine withdrawal.  A breakup is just like a drug addiction.

Hypnosis has been used by the medical community for decades when it comes to stopping drug addiction. Hypnotherapy teaches the brain to process stimulants and avoidance differently.  This makes ending drug addiction much easier and gentler.

In fact, hypnosis it so powerful it has been known to make a drug user not even think about drugs anymore. Now that you know that your brain treats a break up exactly like cocaine withdrawal; this means that hypnosis may also be the answer to stop thinking about someone.

If you have impulses to do something rash and undignified, you need hypnosis help fast.  When a break up or divorce occurs, dopamine starts to flood your brain and creates a craving for more love reward.  Your motivation centers are turned on and you begin to find inventive ways to get his or her attention.

This rarely goes well...except in romantic movies.  Just remember though, your life is not a Hollywood script that people paid millions of dollars to create just to control the audience's brain chemicals.  You are facing an ending and your brain is frantically searching for what is lost.

Hypnosis to Let Go of an Ex

While you may be obsessing about your lost love, there is another part of your brain that is working on reassessing your current situation.  Very slowly your brain is starting to write out a new life after a breakup.

But the process is SLOW.  Since hypnosis works directly on the brain, it may minimize dopamine production, reroute your actions and thoughts, and quickly bring the part of your brain on board that focuses on your new life.

After your first Get Results hypnosis session with me, many of my clients began to feel better and start on their way to recovering.  It is possible that you won't have to try to force yourself to stop thinking about someone.  You may not have to constantly fight your impulse to pick up the phone or check on your ex through social media.

Like many of my clients, you may not have to bully yourself to just "get over it" when you have my breakup hypnosis on your side.

Getting Over a Breakup Without Drama and Humiliation

Don't worry, hypnotherapy will not interfere with your ability to love but it may just change how you think about breakups and the trauma that is related to them.

If you want help to move on from a painful or traumatic, divorce, break-up, or even the death of a loved one, I encourage you to give hypnosis a try.

Here are 3 ways I could help you get over your breakup...

•  You can schedule a free consultation with me where you can tell me a little bit about yourself and what you are struggling with - link here>

•  If you do not live close to Los Angeles, you can schedule a free breakup hypnosis consultation (on the right, click on the image that says Get A Free Consultation Now) and I can work with you through Skype, phone or
video conferencing to resolve your issues.

•  If you are not sure hypnosis could work on your heartbreak, you can try out this mini hypnosis session to feel quick relief.  You will have access to an immediate download.



Mini moving on from heartbreak session • Try It Now! • Hypnosis MP3 • Instant Download

Disclaimer: This mini hypnosis session / hypnotic mp3 is not a substitute for psychiatric or medical care.  Best if used while in a quiet location - where you will not be disturbed - either sitting or lying down.  Do not listen to this mp3 while operating machinery or driving.